Data by theme
Welcome to Violenceagainstwomen.Stat

What is Violenceagainstwomen.Stat

Violenceagainstwomen.Stat is the data warehouse that collects and organizes statistics on violence against women produced by Istat in order to make them easily accessible to the different types of users (researchers, policy makers, journalists, citizens).

Data are collected by using administrative sources and sample surveys. The topics addressed cover several themes including the diffusion of the phenomenon, its characteristics and the paths away from violence.

Data are organized in a homogeneous and coherent way and they are updated regularly.

How does Violenceagainstwomen.Stat work?

Statistical data are presented by themes and topics. Violenceagainstwomen.Stat can be queried by keyword or by theme.

Data are organized in multidimensional tables, which users can export to xls, csv and sdmx formats. In addition, users can customize tables and graphs by changing variables, reference periods and headers and rows of the tables, according to their objectives.

Each dataset presents the most relevant queries. Interested users are also provided with full datasets (bulk download); in this case data may have more information compared to the default queries (more detailed by territory, for example).

Machine-to-machine access to data

A machine-to-machine queriable web-service allows users to access data, make specific queries, download and export datasets to their web sites, information systems, databases, web portals etc. Data are available in the international standard format for statistical data, SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange).

The service is accessible at the following address:


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